Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Airplane and sunset

I was out, alone, in the middle of Thousand Palms canyon last weekend when I heard a jet overhead.  It was on its way to the Palm Springs International airport.  If you click on the pic to enlarge it, you can actually SEE the airplane!  It was so desolate out there, I really didn't enjoy this intrusion!


Gaelyn said...

I hear, but don't generally see, the military flyovers here. Very disruptive.

So glad there's a Huge no flight zone over the canyon.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

We get some wild sounds out at 29 Palms from the Marine Base... mainly the big thuds of artillery practice, but occasionally big military helicopters. Doesn't bother me too much, just kind of goes with the territory.