That's my self-portrait from noon, today (Sunday). I drove up our local mountains to stop by and give my horses an extra meal, since it has been so cold up in the mountains. Plus, I missed them! I hadn't been up at all over the Thanksgiving break, due to family obligations and my bronchitis. My z-pack seems to be working, although I'm still coughing all day. I waited until it was nice and warm here in the desert (last night it was 27 up where my horses are...) and headed up Highway 74. I had on 2 t-shirts and a sweatshirt and I always keep lots of extra jackets and sweaters in my car, knowing that the difference in temps between the desert and mountains can be severe. And, yup...once I saw that the wind was blowing, I knew I was in for it! I didn't wish to get a chill and end up sick (again), so I layered. I wrapped up my heavy Pendleton jacket around my middle (I had knee-high socks on beneath my jeans, but the wind cut right through them) and put on another hooded long sweater! I figured that, with the wind, I would lose body heat through my head. The horses were all fine and wooly and I'll post some pics of them this coming week. There was ice on the north side of all the corrals and I didn't bother making their shredded beet pulp, since it would only freeze as soon as I added the water. Instead, I gave them their sweet feed, Bermuda pellets, and CocoSoya oil. The oil gives them added calories to stay warm and believe me, they are going to need it tonight! Brrrrrrrr! It must have snowed up there last night because I saw a lot of cars with snow on their roofs and hoods coming down the mountain. There was snow along the side of the road, too! Ahhhh....winter!
I don't understand how animals like horses can possibly stay warm...but, I guess they are okay. I am glad you are on the mend with your illness. Fun self-portrait!
Mi piace questo tuo ritratto in riflesso !!!
Buona giornata.
Myriam :))
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