Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Road trip~Yosemite!
We are on the road for a few days and are visiting Yosemite National Park today. Pics to follow tomorrow morning!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Grand Canyon~Sunday Stills Challenge 062710
Grand Canyon,
Kalab national forest
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Agave blooms~SkyWatch Friday 062510
I've been meaning to stop and take some photos of the agaves which are blooming right now. However, this isn't as easy as it sounds! First, they only grow at a certain elevation and area. Second, while they grow up Highway 74 above Palm Desert, on this road there are very few of them growing next to turnouts! But, Wednesday afternoon, I found a very narrow turnout up by the desert bighorn sheep fence and I stopped to take these photos of some of them. Aren't they unique? They grow straight up and then open up when the blossoms appear. SkyWatch Friday for June 25, 2010.
Restaurant outside of Zion National Park~Windows and Doors, Too~June 24, 2010
This restaurant is in the little town of Springvale, which is right outside the entrance to Zion National Park. We didn't eat in this one, but we wandered in to take a look at the shady patio and interesting gate. And, just look at the view of Zion's mountains above! Windows and Doors, Too, for June 24, 2010.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
"W" ~ABC Wednesday 062310
"W" is for wagon and this wagon is in Lone Pine, CA. It is right outside the Mt. WHITNEY Cafe, our favorite eating place in Lone Pine! It looks like it has seen better days! And, yes, that is Mt. WHITNEY in the background. I was actually focusing on the lone cottonwood tree in the Alabama Hills, but who can ignore the Sierras? ABC Wednesday for June 23, 2010.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
North Rim Grand Canyon ~That's My World 062210
While our daughter and son-in-law hiked down a trail at the north rim of the Grand Canyon, I stayed behind and enjoyed the shade near this bench. Here are the kids and dad checking out the view! And, what a view! We LOVE the north rim. It doesn't have as many people at the south rim and you can drive your car to the overlooks. For other worldly views, please visit: http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/ That's My World for Tuesday, June 22, 2010.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Looking up through tram window at Zion~Sunday Stills Challenge -62010
I didn't take this photo. Hubby did. We were on the shuttle bus at Zion National Park and he took several photos up through the shuttle window. At Zion, all you do is look UP! It is a beautiful national park and we enjoyed our morning there. Sunday Stills Challenge for June 20, 2010. HAPPY FATHERS' DAY!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
In the Air Above Zion~SkyWatch Friday 061810
When we took our second shuttle back from the end stop at Zion National Park, we actually had a drive who spoke to us and told us some interesting things about Zion. For example, she said that a pair of condors lived nearby the park. That afternoon, when we took the road to the Kolob Reservoir, which weaves its way above Zion National Park, I glanced over a waterfall and there they were! I grabbed my camera, which was safely stashed beneath my seat, and took as many photos as I could before they soared down beyond the waterfall. This area had many updrafts, which are perfect for the condors. If you click on the top photo, you can actually see the second one. We felt we were priviledged to see them and I am thankful that we did! SkyWatch Friday for June 18, 2010.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Kolob reservoir~Watery Wednesday 061610
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Red Rock Canyon, NV~That's My World 061510
Vacation time!!! Well, we didn't make it to Valley of Fire yesterday on our way to St. George, Utah. By the time we toured Red Rock Canyon, everybody was tired and cranky! So, we got back on the interstate and drove straight through to St. George. Today we head out to Zion National Park. While at RRC, I took a little walk down from one of the overview parking lots and found this canyon. There were swallows flying all around and it was enjoyable just to sit and watch and listen to them! I wish I could have stayed longer at this spot. That's My World for Tuesday, June 15, 2010.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Wild flowers~Scenic Sunday 061310
On my way back to the desert yesterday afternoon (I board all my horses up in our local mountains), I drove by this field of wild flowers. I didn't stop on the way up the hill because I would have been facing right into the sun, but by late afternoon, the sun was setting in the west and I pulled off the road to take these photos. Scenic Sunday for June 13, 2010.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Eyes~Sunday stills Challenge 061310
One of my horses is an off-the-track thoroughbred. That means he didn't make it at the race track. In the seven races that he ran, he never won! Fortunately he went to a horse rescue and not to slaughter, unlike many thoroughbreds. From the rescue, he came to us. I feel so lucky to have him! He has impeccable manners, he likes his bath, he knows how to lead!His name is Quad and he is a gray thoroughbred, a great-grandson of two Triple Crown winners, Secretariat and Affirmed, both gorgeous chestnuts. I guess, however, that his gray genes were stronger! I love to watch his eyes. He is very expressive! When he arrived, his eyes were dull and lifeless. He'd had a hard time at his foster home, I believe. Now, his eyes are alert and watching. He is beginning to trust me and I'm beginning to relax around him. Here are some photos of Quad's eyes. Don't they look like black pools? Sunday Stills Challenge for June 13, 2010.
Bodie and clouds~Weekend Reflections 061210
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Bodie sky~SkyWatch Friday 061110
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Silver Lake Resort~That's My World 060810
We love to travel to the Sierras and once there, we always take the June Lake loop. Last summer we stayed in June Lake and drove around to the Silver Lake side for breakfast at the cafe there at the resort. Sometime we would love to stay there. Here are some pics of the resort. That's My World for Tuesday, June 8, 2010.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Bodie buildings~Weathered & Worn~Brenda's Photo Challenge 060610
Another photo from Bodie, CA. Bodie is an old mining town north of Mammoth, CA and June Lake. It is about 14 miles off the main road (Highway 395) and sits up on a plateau. Gold and silver were once mined there, until the mine closed in the early 1900's. The town itself was burned down in a fire started by a child about 1920. 95% of the buildings were burned. It was finally turned into a state park and you can visit Bodie during the summer months before the snows shut down the road. Several rangers live in rehabbed houses at Bodie and it is only open certain hours of the day (9:00 - 6:00 p.m.) and then the site is closed for the night. While the road is paved for about 9 miles, the rest of it is a dusty and ragged dirt road (be prepared to get your car extremely dusty and be sure you have good tires!) But, we enjoy our trips to Bodie and we try to get different photos each time. This one shows the old mining area through the doorway of a crumbling building. Brenda's Photo Challenge for June 5, 2010~~weathered and worn, that's Bodie!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Shadows at Bodie, CA~Shadow Shot Sunday 060610
Thursday, June 3, 2010
South Tufa, Mono Lake~SkyWatch Friday 060410
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Frozen lake in the Sierras~~Outdoor Wednesday 060210
Sometimes it is hard for us, who live in the desert, to realize that other places have winter for 6 months of the year. This point was recently brought home to me when we stopped by one of the lakes, Rock Creek Lake, in the Sierras. It is right off Highway 395, near Tom's Place, north of Bishop, CA. We had not traveled this road before and so hubby and I headed up the road this past weekend, Memorial Day. The road was closed due to this past week's snowfall and lingering LONG WINTER!!! Spring has been slowly coming to the Sierras this year and even long-timers were complaining about the cold days. We found them a welcome relief, as it hit 100 degrees here in the desert while we were gone and it is expected to climb to 110 this weekend. ACK! Time to turn on the air conditioner! Anyway, Rock Creek Lake was still frozen, as you can see from these photos. June Lake was free of snow and the Silver Lake Resort was up and running. Outdoor Wednesday for June 2, 2010.
Ranch House Cafe~That's My World 060110
On our way up to the Sierras this past weekend, hubby and I stayed overnight in Hesperia, then drove up to Bishop. We decided to stop for breakfast at the Ranch House Cafe, near the Crystal Geyser plant in Olancha, CA. We had never stopped there and we were glad we did. First, the food was excellent! And, the interior was decorated like a ranch house. But, we were sad to learn that due to a proposed expansion on Highway 395, it's days are numbered. There are apparently a couple of options that Cal Trans is studying. One would be an expansion of 395, which would mean the cafe would have to be moved OR torn down! Another option would be to completely bypass the current section of 395 and make a new road further up the hill. This would mean that the cafe would no longer be right on the main road, a sure death for it. So, if you want to stop there, do it before September, 2010! It may be your last chance! That's My World for June 1, 2010.
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