Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grand Canyon~Sunday Stills Challenge 062710

We recently visited the Grand Canyon with our daughter and son-in-law and while the younger folks went for a hike down one of the trails, hubby and I stayed "topside" to take photos. I heard some people talking about the juniper trees near the rim and one of them said this one was 600 years old. Of course, I HAD to go take a further look. I've been fascinated by junipers since they also grow in our local mountains and this spring were covered with blue berries. This one was indeed tall, old, and gnarly. And, who can't ignore the beauty of the Grand Canyon? These photos were taken on the south rim. Sunday Stills Challenge for June 27, 2010.


Tammy Vasa said...

Great interpretation of the challenge & beautiful photos!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Poter visionare le tue foto è sempre molto bello.
Foto meravigliose di questo deserto.
Buona giornata.

Stephen Chapman said...

Just so you know...

The next five on the fifth is a few days away. You can either take 5 random pictures of anything that happens to you on Monday 5th of July (or the days leading up to it) or perhaps go for my suggested theme - this month there are 2 suggestions:

"This past weekend" or "I don't like Mondays".