Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Agave blooms~SkyWatch Friday 062510

I've been meaning to stop and take some photos of the agaves which are blooming right now. However, this isn't as easy as it sounds! First, they only grow at a certain elevation and area. Second, while they grow up Highway 74 above Palm Desert, on this road there are very few of them growing next to turnouts! But, Wednesday afternoon, I found a very narrow turnout up by the desert bighorn sheep fence and I stopped to take these photos of some of them. Aren't they unique? They grow straight up and then open up when the blossoms appear. SkyWatch Friday for June 25, 2010.


Unknown said...

i love the stillness in these photos. relaxing.

Anonymous said...


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

non avevo mai visto questa pianta... è tipica della tua zona ?
Buona giornata.

Gale said...

I remember those! Like that last pic the best!