Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"F" is for fog~ABC Wednesday 022410

Here in the desert, we rarely have fog. We did have some this year and I ran out with my camera. First, our two 10,000 mountains, Mt. San Jacinto and Mt. Gorgornio, block out moisture from the west. Second, we are over 100 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. So, when we get fog, it is after a series of rain storms, like we had a few weeks ago. The ground was saturated, the clouds were low and clinging on the mountains, and I ran out with my camera. But, up in our local mountains, fog is common. I sometimes run into it on my way to visit my horses, who are at 4,000 feet. As I set out Sunday morning, clouds were clinging to the mountains. I could see them moving across the tops, where it was snowing. And, soon, I drove into fog. I like how it seems to cling to the trees. ABC Wednesday for February 24, 2010.


jay said...

Fog always looks so beautiful draped among the mountains! Lovely pictures.

Here at sea level in the fens of eastern England, it's a dangerous nuisance and not very pretty at all.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

photowannabe said...

I love how the fog clings to the trees and hugs the mountains but I don't like what fog does to my hair. (:0)

Roger Owen Green said...

No, would think of fog in London or the NW US, but not there. striking.

LeAnn said...

Well, the fog looks beautiful and quite at home. I was surprised to see it is not there that often. Glad you captured it, it is lovely.

Tumblewords: said...

Fog is so beautiful in the mountains. Lovely pictures!

Ingrid said...

Fog sometimes looks scary especiallyu when it is very thick !