I pass by Marriott Desert Springs every morning on my way to the freeway and on this morning, the clouds were just right for a beautiful sunrise. Most mornings are clear here in the desert, but this morning the skies are cloudy and I saw another beautiful, red sunrise. I went out to feed the birds. Doves, finches, and a stray scrub jay like to come visit our front yard! One year, a family of quail stopped by, but that was several years ago. For many, many years a family of roadrunners also lived in our neighborhood, but, alas, I haven't seen them for several years either. SkyWatch Friday for February 18, 2011.
I saw so many amazing sunrises when I would drive to my school...back in the day...and I would long to continue driving for a long road-trip. There is something about the first light of the day that draws me in that direction! And, you have gorgeous palms above and ON the water. How gorgeous!
What a fantastic photo of the palm trees reflected on the water at sunset! Bravo!
Warm regards from EAGAN daily photo
This is a great photo of a stunning sunrise!
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