Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"C" is for canopy~ABC Wednesday 080410

I had to take our daughter and son-in-law to the Palm Springs airport early this morning for their flight to Alaska and after I dropped them off, I drove by the Palm Springs Air Museum. It was early morning light, perfect for taking photos of these jet planes and their CANOPIES. A CANOPY on an airplane is the clear part above where the pilot sits. When a pilot ejects from a plane, the CANOPY is blown off and he or she is able to blast out of it and parachute to the ground. I was able to see our daughter's plane take off, on its way to Alaska. ABC Wednesday, August 4, 2010. For other participants, please visit: http://abcwednesdayround3.blogspot.com/


Unknown said...

I'm sorry. What is a 'canopy'? Is it the name of the jet plane or something attached to them?
Best wishes,
Anna's Cats

Roger Owen Green said...

I never knew that top part was called a conopy. Learn something every day.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carolyn Ford said...

Very kool find! I would probably not have been "quick" enough to think of the canopy...I would have saved it for "jet." Duh!

Tumblewords: said...

I've flown a lot, so recognized the airplanes and the canopy - beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

@Anna Indeed the top part is called the canopy and it is a lot stronger than it looks like. After all it is placed on top of a fighter jet! A lot of canopies are used, even Car Canopy

Excellent Pictures here!

portable garage said...

its strange i did not know that top part of a fighter jet is called canopy. cool