"T" is for tufa. This is at the south tufa area of Mono Lake, CA. It is sedimentary rock. We arrived there late in the afternoon and the sky was dotted with thunderstorms. Sunday Stills Challenge for November 29, 2009.
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ack! Computer down
My desktop computer crashed this morning. It just froze. No screen and the stupid fan just ran and ran and ran. I couldn't even get it to turn off. So, off it goes to our son's this afternoon for a checkup. Of course, all my photos are on it! (biting fingernails...) I took a bunch of really early morning sunrise photos this morning. It was a beautiful morning with the sky clear in the east, but storm clouds covering our mountains to the south and west. There was even a double rainbow over our desert mountains. I'll post the pics later this week. Enjoy your day!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tree~Pinyon~SkyWatch Friday 112709
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"S" is for...ABC Wednesday 112509
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Desert wash~That's My World 112409

I used to walk the trail in this wash at the Living Desert Reserve in the afternoons, after school. It helped me decompress before I went home to my family. The trail is about 1 3/4 miles long. There is one section where you can take a short walk up to view a section of rock that talks about the San Andreas fault, which runs right across the valley. There is a longer trail, but it runs through some boulders, that I cannot "navigate" any more because of my back problems. That's My World for Tuesday, November 24, 2009.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cacti~LOTS of cacti! Monday Cactus 112309
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Seabiscuit tour, Santa Anita~~Sunday Stills Challenge 112209
I've taken the Seabiscuit tour at Santa Anita a couple of times now. Heck, I used to go to the barn area many, many times when I was a kid! My great-uncle was a trainer during the 1960's and I frequently was able to visit his small string on the back row of the track's stables. (Just so you know, the larger and more impressive trainers are in the front. The smaller and less well known trainers are on the back row. My uncle was on the back row.) It had been over 40 years since I'd been in the stable area of Santa Anita and I went with a good friend. You can get tickets at Clocker's Corner. I believe there are a couple of tours and we took the first one that day. It was cold and misty, but the exercise boys and girls were out, the trainers were out, the horses were out. No tour would be complete without seeing the statue of Seabiscuit there at Santa Anita. It stands right at the paddock, where he can still keep an eye on everything that goes on! My grandfather used to take my mom and aunt to actually see Seabiscuit run at Santa Anita and I heard many, many stories about this great horse. Yes, that's me touching one of the Seabiscuit look-alikes at Santa Anita. I just couldn't keep my hands off!!! We were led on the tour by Laura, a delightful tour guide and I learned some things I didn't already know! Enjoy the tour! Sunday Stills Challenge for November 22, 2009.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
False Alarm!!!
No, my computer didn't get moved. Instead, our son decided he didn't want our old furniture and has opted instead to buy a whole new desk and cabinets. Ahhhh......the foolishness of the young! So, now I get to keep my old, loveable, familiar desk, cabinets, and bookshelves. AND, I get my own office room! We are getting rid of the queen size bed in the spare bedroom and moving them all into it over the Thanksgiving break! YEAH! I get to keep my furniture AND I get my own office room! I mean, what more could I want? (....well, I'd like a couple more horses, but I don't think I'll be getting any more soon...) (hehehehehe!) Phew!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ack~~no computer for a couple of days!!!
My husband just informed me that the desk where I have my laptop (MY DESK!) will be moving to our son's new house, along with my two bookshelves. Huh? I certainly didn't get THAT memo! Oh, well...it's okay. Our son has a new house and no furniture and I'm glad to be able to help him. But...now WHERE in tarnation do I put my desktop computer, printer, and all my horse videos and books? Hmmmm.....this is going to require some MAJOR reorganization. Right now I have my desk beside a kitchen window that looks out over our back yard. I sit and watch the doves eat and splash in the water fountain. There is a hawk that has taken up residence in our neighborhood and when he swoops down, the doves immediately scatter! I think I'm being banished to the guest bedroom, where I'll be able to sit and look out a front window and watch Daisy, our little female cat, being chased down the street by the neighborhood roadrunner!!! Anyway, I'll be off line for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll be back for the Sunday Stills Challenge (horses)...HA~ That will be an easy one for me!
Take care. See you in a few days!
~~Cheryl Ann~~
Take care. See you in a few days!
~~Cheryl Ann~~
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"R"~~ABC Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"R" is for red...and a RED fire engine, both REAL and not real! I found these RED fire engines, both real and play, at the Rancho Mirage art fair this past weekend! My cousin, Valerie Trozelle, was there displaying her paintings. I wandered around for a while as she was away from her booth, and I ran into her shortly! It was a beautiful day, crisp and clear, another gorgeous desert day! ABC Wednesday for November 18, 2009.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Bread Basket~That's My World 111709
We frequently drive into Idyllwild for breakfast on the weekends. Our favorite restaurant there is The Bread Basket. It opens at 8:00 a.m. and we are usually there by 8:01 a.m. Not that we are eager to eat! (No, not US!) We enjoy the scenery and the blue jays who sometimes swoop down near us. We also enjoy the antics of the gray squirrels who claim the pine trees near the restaurant as their homes. Ahhhh....what a way to start the day! That's My World for Tuesday, November 17, 2009.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Mexican Wolf~Camera Critters for 111409

I've always been fascinated by wolves and big cats. I was especially excited to often visit the Mexican wolves at the Living Desert. I would stop by their enclosure many afternoons after school. I often heard people say that they heard them howl when firetrucks went by, but I have never heard them...(sigh)... I do have quite a few pics of them, however, over the years. I do believe that this female was the one who was returned from the Arizona release site. They actually went back and recaptured her after a couple of her pack mates were killed. If I remember correctly, a rancher killed one, and a camper killed another one, so off the LDR went to recapture its just-released Mexican wolves. We haven't been back over to that area of Arizona for several years (ha....10 years!) so I'm not completely up-to-date on the Mexican wolf release program in Arizona. But, anyway, I do have these and some other photos. Camera Critters for November 14, 2009. Enjoy your weekend! If you wish to read the most current update on the Mexican wolves in Arizona, here is the link (updated November 10) http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/mexicanwolf/BRWRP_notes.cfm
Friday, November 13, 2009
Palm trees and clouds~SkyWatch Friday 111309
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pinyon Road~This Way Thursday~November 12, 2009

I have driven by this road so many times on my way to visit my horses up in the mountains, but it has been many, many years since I took it. So, last weekend, while on my own, I drove down it again. There are many interesting rock formations off to the sides and some yuccas that still had their blossoms. I'm glad I took this road and I look forward to taking it again when there is snow. This Way Thursday for November 12, 2009.
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