Thirty years ago, when I was pregnant with our daughter, hubby and I had a 5 acre parcel of land in Garner Valley. We used to drive our VW van up on weekends and park on it and hike all over. We often took our German Shepherd with us. We both have always loved the quiet and peace of Garner Valley, but, once the baby was born and I wasn't working, we sold our lot. Ever since then, I have enjoyed driving through it and watching the valley grow. There are still some quiet roads that go off the "beaten track" and Sunday morning, I followed one. It split several ways and meandered through the mountains, and I stopped several times to take photos. The woodpeckers were out in full force and the meadowlarks, too! Hubby was working, but the next time I return, I'll take him with me. The mountains have a special place in my heart and I hope these photos show you why. ~~That's My World for Tuesday, April 7, 2009~~
I quite understand your attatchment to the land, it is amazing how we have to respond at times to the call of the mountains or the sea.
I, too love the mountains. Lovely phots. After 15 years in the high desert of the Ownens Valley I do not care to live in the desert again.
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