It is indeed difficult to find fall colors here in our desert or local mountains, but every once in a while, I have found a small pocket of color like this one. I spotted it about a week ago, driving down the mountains from a visit to my horses. I stopped and pulled over yesterday and took these pics. While it doesn't rival the fall colors in the eastern Sierras, it is our own little corner of color in my world. Sunday Stills Challenge for October 25, 2009.
I like that - as a California native living in the Midwest I am now experiencing the extremes of brilliant, shocking, even violent colors; I miss the subtle, gentle changes of home...
Love your photos.
Beautiful scenery non the less. :)
Very subtle. Good for you for noticing. Nice job.
It isn't the same as the east but certainly as beautiful in its own right. I enjoy seeing fall in different parts of the country than NY where I live... Michelle
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