"C" is for Cali. Cali is one of our little mustang fillies. She was born in Wyoming, brought in during a roundup with her mother when she was only a baby. She and Scout, our other mustang, were both transferred to the Riverton Correctional Facility for halter training. Then they, along with several other mustang yearlings, were then put up for adoption by the BLM. My husband was browsing the Internet and he found the two of them during one of the BLM's Internet adoptions. He fell in love with Scout, and saw Cali, who is a palomino. He bid on both of them and won. HOWEVER, they were in Wyoming and we live in California. That's a long way to transport two mustangs! He contacted another bidder from California who won two other horses from the same group (it turns out they were Cali's brother and a sister to Scout) and these kind folks agreed to pick up our mustangs as well as theirs (they now live in Mariposa, CA and are pack horses near Yosemite....what a life!) Anyway, Scout and Cali were delivered to us. From the moment Cali stepped off the trailer, she loved people! Scout...naw. Cali immediately came up to us, she followed us everywhere. She nibbled on my hair! They were both still babies (yearlings). Cali has always been very easy to train and she is totally unafraid (Scout, too, but she's always been more standoffish). Anyway, here are some pics of both Scout and Cali. Cali LOVES water and one time, when I emptied out her water trough, she got ALL DIRTY and splashed water all over! This summer, she even stepped in the water trough! She is a very curious, she is totally unafraid, and she eats tumbleweeds! That's my Cali!
This is a beautiful set of photos and an excellent story to read. What a reward they got for their live in the wilderness.
Such a nice story and Cali eats tumbleweeds...too cute. These are 2 beautiful photos of precious moments with beautiful members of your family!
ah.. that was a wonderful story to share about this very special horse!
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