Sunday Stills Challenge for 083009.
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tree rings, Yosemite~Think Green Thursday 082709
Sometimes you can see the most unusual things on vacation! For example, in Yosemite village, there is a tree stump and the rings are labeled with what happened on various years of the tree's life. On this stump you can see the Norman conquest of England, the signing of the Magna Carta, and other important historical events. Isn't that incredible? It's called "Big Tree" and it is located right outside the museum in Yosemite. For a size comparison, I took a photo of hubby looking at it. Think Green Thursday for August 27, 2009. Perhaps we should remember and give respect to these living things that are thousands of years old?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mono Lake sunset~Watery Wed for 082609
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monsoon clouds~That's My World 082509
Tis the season of monsoon clouds. Giant, puffy thunderheads develop in the afternoons over our desert and the high desert of the eastern Sierra. I actually took these photos outside of Bishop, CA one afternoon during our week-long vacation. About an hour later, rain was falling in different locations all along the Sierra. That's My World for Tuesday, August 25, 2009.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Half Dome on a cloudy day~Scenic Sunday for 082309
Hubby and I have been on a week-long vacation to the Eastern Sierra Nevada range and places in the mountains there. We stopped in Bishop, at a camera store, so hubby could buy more film before we even started our vacation because he didn't think he had enough. We stayed in a little motel in June Lake, CA and went exploring every morning and late afternoon. We visited Mammoth Lakes and found a wonderful eatery there, "The Stove". We drove up to Minaret Vista, back down to Twin Lakes, Lake Mary, and Horseshoe Lake. We drove out to Mono Lake in the afternoon, and out to Bodie in the afternoon and early morning. Finally, we decided to drive home over the Tioga Pass into Yosemite, since I still have 2 weeks on my National Parks Pass and who can resist Yosemite? We stopped in the village, grabbed lunch (BRING YOUR OWN, very pricey and not very good!) and headed out to Glacier Point. Neither one of us had been to Glacier Point before and the view of Half Dome from that area is breathtaking, even on a rainy day! It started to sprinkle while we were there, so we headed back to the car and continued our drive to Fresno for the night. Scenic Sunday for August 23, 2009.
Friday, August 21, 2009
SkyWatch Friday 082109
Hubby and I are currently on vacation in the eastern Sierra Nevada range. We are enjoying a break from the desert heat! We have traveled to Mammoth Lakes, Twin Lakes, Lake Mary, and Mono Lake, as well as Bodie, CA. On this particular morning, we woke up early and drove out to Minaret Vista to see the sun hit them early morning. That's where hubby took a tumble and his Canon smashed into the rocks. It broke his polarizing filter and now he realizes that his lens is sticking, but otherwise he and the camera are doing just fine. (I think it damaged his ego more than anything else!). After that, we drove out to the Twin Lakes area and I caught this beautiful reflection on one of the lakes. SkyWatch Friday for August 21, 2009. By the way, it was so COLD there that morning, I went rummaging through the car looking for my mittens! It has been 28 and 33 degrees in Bodie while we have been here! What a nice change, eh?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monsoon morning~SkyWatch Friday 081409
I took this photo one morning last spring when we had monsoonal clouds. The clouds are back today. We haven't had any measureable rain all summer and July and August are our monsoon months. Our mountains have had rain, but we haven't had any here in our desert. SkyWatch Friday for August 14, 2009. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Round pen~That's My World 081109

Do you really want to see my world? Well, here it is! It's the round pen up at the horse ranch in the mountains above Palm Springs! This is where I spend the majority of my mornings. On this day, my cousin came over to help me with my gelding, Sunni. He's a quarter horse, a PMU gelding. PMU stands for "pregnant mare urine", which was used in premarin, a drug for women with menopause. The mares are kept pregnant, in pens, for MONTHS (the normal gestitation time for a mare is 11 months). Some were kept in very narrow stalls and are not even allowed to move! Sunni is the "unwanted byproduct" (i.e. the foal). I adopted him several years ago and he is now in serious training! He is a wonderful, kind, intelligent horse, even if he was "unwanted". United Pegasus, a horse rescue, went up to one of the PMU ranches and brought Sunni home as a yearling, along with several other PMU horses and took them to their Hemet ranch for adoption. I adopted him a year later. So, now that my back is better (I injured it last summer riding a friend's horse) I'm back to working with my horses and continuing their training. Here he is in the round pen learning to "stay". My cousin uses both verbal and hand signals to train all her horses and she's helping me train mine this way. Look how shiny he is! GOOD BOY! So, if you want to find me in the mornings, I'm up at the ranch! That's My World for August 11, 2009.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fallow field~Mellow Yellow Monday 081009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Heat and humidity~Think Green Thursday 080509

It's been so darn hot here that we haven't been going outside much. In fact, we hibernate all day, then head up to the mountains about 5:00 p.m.. At least up there, the air is crisp and cool and there is usually an afternoon breeze. Down at 200 feet above sea level, the air stagnates and, until yesterday, with our afternoon breezes, doesn't move. Coachella is actually 62 feet below sea level! Believe me, summer in the desert is no fun! I looked at my thermometer yesterday afternoon when the UPS truck showed up and it was 118 degrees IN THE SHADE! Heat like this is only good for one thing...heat loving crops like CORN! The Coachella Valley actually gets two harvests of corn. The first one was in May and I would imagine the second one would be now. I'll have to make a trip down to the lower end of the valley one morning. I know that in August the farmers usually plow everything left under and let the fields lie fallow for a couple of weeks. Then, mid-August, which is coming up soon, they start to plant other crops.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
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