Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra
Eastern Sierra snow October 2010

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Leaning Joshua Tree and clouds~SkyWatch Friday 010610

Joshua Tree National Park is such an incredible place to visit and take photographs! The changing mood of the clouds, sky, and rocks make for some interesting colors. I found this leaning joshua tree, growing near some rocks. Clouds from a coming storm were moving in and it rained the next day. SkyWatch Friday for January 6, 2011.


Laura said...

wow! this is gorgeous!

The Write Girl said...

That Joshua tree is fascinating...it looks like it's bending and moving with the sky. Great photo.

LV said...

That leaning tree with the lovely blue skies as a background makes for a very nice Sky Watch.

Lynette said...

I like your description of the elements of your photo as much as I like the photo.

Please stop by Portland Oregon Daily Photo to see my first ever embedded video. It shows my younger son Leland bouldering at The Circuit in Portland, Oregon, as filmed by his older brother Lamont, who also boulders.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Awesome photo of the leaning joshua tree. I really like the wispy white clouds and deep blue sky... inspirational!

Jim said...

Beautiful shot. Stunning landscape.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Desert Shine Jewelry said...

Beautiful picture! We love the whole southwest area. There is so much beauty here. It may look sparse but if you look closely, the textures and color are amazing! Thanks for sharing these. Lynne-Desert Shine Jewelry.

Chubskulit Rose said...


My skywatch

Jan said...

Outstanding. The Joshua Tree has been subjected to lots of wind.

http://graceolsson.com/blog said...

marvelous landscape..if I am there..I would visit everyday...hahhahahahaha


Kaori said...

You're right, this photo is gorgeous! Love the blue sky :-)

Happy friday!

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Great sky!

Happy SWF! =)

KT said...

Thanks for all of the photos and information from Joshua Tree. I ams SO EXCITED about our trip in February (as living in IL, going into national parks just boosts the spirit!).

Another friend of ours through a volunteer group is traveling there next week. Who knew... So nice to share adventures!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Questa è un'immagine molto particolare...
il blu del cielo nello sfondo della foto e questa pianta che tenta di sopravvivere.
Grande effetto !
Buona serata :)

Janie said...

Great composition, with the tree leaning just a little away from the coming storm.

Ron Scheer said...

Great pic. I need to get over to JT more often...