Our local mountains still have snow on them, but today should be 70 degrees here in the desert. Clear, sunny, and warm! Ahhhhhh....no wonder so many people travel to the desert for the winter! After seeing photos of snow, ice, and icicles, maybe this will provide some relief! Have a happy and safe New Year!
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
eXcited! ABC Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Yesterday afternoon I went to visit my good friend, Molly, and her little mare, Bella. This GORGEOUS quarter horse mare was eXcited to get out into the arena and run. Isn't she beautiful? After she ran, her handler, Steve, whistled to her and she calmly walked alongside him. It was beautiful to watch. Man and horse working together...ABC Wednesday for December 30, 2009. If 'ya all don't come back here before the new year, have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR'S! Don't get too eXcited!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Red berries~Ruby Tuesday December 29, 2009
I found these red berries up in our local mountains. I have no idea what they are, but I stopped to take pictures of them. Ruby Tuesday for December 29, 2009. For other ruby posts, please visit: http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Odds & Ends~Sunday Stills Challenge 122709
Odds & ends around the desert...hubby took a jeep ride one time up to an old, restored mining town here in our desert southwest and took these pics. It is actually only about 20 miles from our home, near Indio, CA! I also liked the photo of the dates hanging from the palm tree. Odds & ends...Sunday Stills Challenge 122709
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas from me, hubby, and "The Herd"
I took some antlers up to the horse ranch where I board my horses yesterday to see which one of my 5 horses would wear them. We have five horses, all rescues, that we board up in our local mountains, away from the desert heat. I already knew that Cali would! She's one of our two mustangs from Wyoming. Her herd sister, Scout, would have NONE of that nonsense! Scout was too busy chasing off her neighbors to participate! Gigondas, our rescued chestnut thoroughbred, refused to wear them (she's much too dignified), and Quad, our rescued off-the-track thoroughbred, is too much of a gentleman to wear them! How childish! My rescued PMU gelding, Sunni, was curious, but...sigh... also refused. So, I put them on and he was curious and wanted a sniff! So, Happy Holiday Greetings from all of us to all of you! Enjoy your holiday!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fire Truck~Ruby Tuesday 122209
I grabbed my camera early Sunday morning and went out and around town. The Palm Desert Historical Society has an old fire truck and so I wandered over to take a look at it. Ruby Tuesday for December 22, 2009. For other Ruby Tuesday entries, please visit: http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/
Monday, December 21, 2009
Desert Christmas decorations~Sunday Stills Challenge 122009
We in the desert also decorate for Christmas. Some people are quite creative! Hubby and I took a walk around our daughter's neighborhood late yesterday, in the early evening. My own neighborhood, because there aren't many young children here, doesn't have many lights and I need to pour through our garage to find ours, but I did find these houses decorated with lights. Our son's neighborhood also has MANY, MANY homes decorated, so I'll have to drive over there tonight. Enjoy the lights! Sunday Stills Challenge for December 20, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tahquitz Peak~Scenic Sunday 122009
If you drive up to Idyllwild, CA, you can stop at the base of Tahquitz Peak. There is a county park there and you can park and hike up the trail. We didn't stop there yesterday, as we were on our way down the north side of the mountain, but I did stop and get this glimpse of it. Tahquitz Peak is a local landmark and has been photographed and painted many times. I have other photos of it on my desktop, which is still in the shop (...sigh...). I SHOULD get it back after Christmas and hopefully ALL my photos have been recovered. For those of you who don't know the story, I came out one morning at 5:00 a.m. to update my blogs and my desktop was working. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, I had NO screen! Nothing! Nada! Our son thought he got it fixed and installed a new video card, but, alas, the same thing happened. Now it is in the shop ($$$). Oh, well. Scenic Sunday for December 20, 2009.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mountain rain~SkyWatch Friday 121809
I came upon these clouds and rain as I was driving back to the desert after feeding my horses up in the mountains last weekend. I stopped to view the rain coming down right above the STOP sign! This is in the pinyon area of our local mountains, which is the intermediate zone, between the desert and the pines. SkyWatch Friday, December 18, 2009.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Mountain, snow, and road~This Way Thursday
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Golf resort lake~Watery Wednesday 121609
Sometimes, on my way to school, I have time to stop at a nearby resort and look around. If I have time to hop out and take a couple of photos, and the sunrise is just right, I'll do that. This golf resort lake is high up on a plateau and gives a good view of our surrounding mountains and desert terrain. There were Canadian geese at the edges of it a couple of weeks ago. I like the silence there, except for the gardners, if they are out mowing the greens! Watery Wednesday for December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Horses and Hawk~That's My World 121509
That's my two bachelor horses, my quarter horse Sunni, and my rescue thoroughbred, Quad, after a dusting of snow on our local mountains a couple of weekends ago. I took a drive later and found this hawk resting on a fence post. Click on the photo to enlarge it and see the hawk in flight. From horses to hawks~That's My World for Tuesday, December 15, 2009.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cactus blossoms~Cactus Monday 121409
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Desert wash~Scenic Sunday 121309
I went for a drive yesterday morning and stopped along the way to take some photos. Another car also stopped behind me at the turnout next to this rocky area. I begin my journey to visit the horse ranch where I board my horses in our local mountains at 200 feet above sea level. The road climbs to over 4,000 feet. This is about 1,000 feet above sea level and it is a very rocky area. You can see a large wash in one photo. At the base of the wash is an area for people to park and hike. HOWEVER, I never hike here alone as mountain lions live in these mountains! From this area, the road runs through pinyon pines and then at the summit there are large pine trees and a nice restaurant to stop and have some breakfast or lunch. I enjoy driving from the desert to the pines. Scenic Sunday for December 14, 2009.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Reflection on Lake~Weekend Reflections~121209
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Geese in the morning~SkyWatch Friday 121109
I had no Internet at home this morning, so I left early to go to school. On my way, I noticed a nice sunrise, so I pulled over at the Shadow Ridge timeshares in Rancho Mirage. I stopped and saw two groups of geese on opposite sides of the lake there. The group nearest me didn't spook, but the one on the opposite side of the lake spooked and took off. Unfortunately, I didn't have any of my big camers with me, but I dug into my purse for my little Nikon and captured this flock taking off toward the sunrise. SkyWatch Friday for December 11, 2009.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Coming Storm~That's My World 120809
The first of three winter storms headed our way Sunday. I was out and about after giving the horses copious amounts of extra feed. I drove through our local mountains. This storm has now dropped snow over most of our Southern California mountains, closed roads, and is now heading east to Arizona and New Mexico. LOOK OUT! This is a big one. I was stuck inside all day with 20 third graders, so we got out the checkers and Monopoly during a rainy lunch "recess". They were actually pretty good. Another teacher came into my room after school much more stressed out than I was!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
"Signs" ~ 5th of December
These clouds built up last weekend at sunrise and I stopped to photograph the results. "Signs" of nature at work. "Five on the Fifth". For other participants, please visit: http://thestateofthenationuk.blogspot.com/
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