Every time I drive up the mountain to visit my horses, I drive by Bighorn. Bighorn is an expensive ($$$$$$) housing development at the base of Highway 74. Many homes there have wonderful views of the valley. Unfortunately, they are also close to the REAL bighorn habitat...(sigh...) So, instead of viewing actual bighorn, we, the public, are treated to these statues. Fortunately, the city council just vetoed another developer's plans for more encroachment on the bighorn habitat (probably due to our economy), so...at least for now...the sheep are protected from further development of their already shrinking habitat. They do wander down into a couple of nearby developments and chew on the hibiscus and lawns! Once in a while our local paper does a photo shoot of this. However, I would prefer to see them in the wild, free in their own territory. That's My World for Tuesday, May 12, 2009.
Your blog is wonderful. I too believe we need to watch where we are encroaching on our native species, both plants and animals. Bravo!
Hooray for your city council. But I wonder how long before another developer tries again. It is really unfortunate that the last thing on more than a few developer's minds is conservation.
I prefer them that way as well! Nice photos & post. thanks for the tour.
Did you change your header? Nice! We see Bighorns quite a bit in CO - still plenty of wild space for them, luckily.
Thank goodness the developers are running out of money - every crisis has a silver lining. Very nice blog.
I'm with you,wild things need their own space which mankind and especially big business should be made to respect.
Thank you for the lovely pictures and thoughtful comments. I think your photo is a hoot. There are bighorn sheep near where I live but, of course, the habitat is forever shrinking. At least the sanctuaries are better protected and there are fewer hunting tags issued.
Excellent reminder and lovely photos.
Hugs and blessings,
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