We took our son and his family up to Idyllwild last weekend with us. We rented a cabin in Fern Valley and spent the weekend hiking, walking through town, and feeding the local blue jays. It was restful for all of us and a good break from the desert heat, where it was 100+ degrees. To visit WWDD, please go to: http://iwishiwereaphotographer.blogspot.com/2013/04/whimsical-windows-delirious-doors-74.html
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
White fence~Friday's Fences~042613
This is another one of the little houses up in a small community in Garner Valley, which is up in our local mountains, at about 5,000 feet elevation. The valley itself used to be a part of the huge Garner Valley Cattle Co. Mr. Garner sold off this part of his ranch and it was subdivided into 5 acre parcels. This little community, however, doesn't appear to be part of that land transaction and the homes here are very close together. I always enjoy driving through it throughout the seasons. Friday's Fences for April 26, 2013. To stop by Friday's Fences, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Springtime flowers~Nature's Notes~042513
My neighbor's snapdragons and the roses in the park are blooming right now. They should continue to bloom until it just gets too hot. Some of the park's roses are wilting already. I'm sad that I missed their peak, but these are still gorgeous. My neighbor is a landscaper and she always has a beautiful garden in her front yard. Sometimes I wander over there with my camera and take photos of her flowers. Fortunately, she lets me! Nature's Notes for April 25, 2013. To visit Nature's Notes, please go to: http://ramblingwoods.com/
Sunday, April 21, 2013
What happened to the ducks at the Palm Desert park???
I headed out this morning with my backup Nikon because hubby needed my Canon camera today. I didn't wish to drive up the mountain to visit my horses. I did that yesterday. They are all shedding their winter coats! I'll need to brush, brush, brush them next weekend! So, instead, I drove over to our local park and boy, was I surprised. Instead of seeing lots and lots of ducks, I only saw a couple dozen! And only 2 mudhens! WWWHHHAAATTTT????? I did count about 10 of the white ducks (they don't fly off) and I saw my little guy with a topknot who was there last year, but NO (zero) Canadian geese. The geese have already left. I've heard them honking on their way back to their northern homes. I did some research online and the city isn't admitting to anything except to discourage the public from feeding the ducks. And, as of June, you will ONLY be allowed to buy pellets at the park and you'll have to pay $0.25 for a handfull of pellets. WELL! It was a real shocker!
Here's a link to the article:
I don't read The Desert Sun (we call it "The Desert Rag") because, well, frankly, it IS a rag. It's a waste of a newspaper and is only good for lining the cat litter box (in my humble opinion)!
I guess the city's "discouragement" plan worked because the park was nearly devoid of ducks...sigh...
Here's a link to the article:
I don't read The Desert Sun (we call it "The Desert Rag") because, well, frankly, it IS a rag. It's a waste of a newspaper and is only good for lining the cat litter box (in my humble opinion)!
I guess the city's "discouragement" plan worked because the park was nearly devoid of ducks...sigh...
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Giraffes at the Living Desert
There is a family of giraffes at the Living Desert. That's dad in the first few, then the mom and baby came out (the baby is the one next to the iron cage), then both parents eating. We were there over the Easter weekend and they were all out eating. My, they have long tongues! :-)
Friday, April 19, 2013
Smoketree and sky~SkyWatch Friday~041913
I love to watch the smoke trees here in our desert throughout the year. They will soon have their dark purple flowers, usually in May. But, this weekend, it will be 97 degrees here in the desert, so maybe they will bloom early this year? I'm SO ready for the weekend and since hubby is working all weekend, I'll have plenty of free time! :-) SkyWatch Friday for April 19, 2013. To visit SkyWatch Friday, please go to: http://skyley.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
More from the Living Desert ~ Our World Tuesday~ 041613
More photos from the Living Desert Reserve. In addition to all the animals there, they had a little train over Easter weekend. It had a waiting line and the kids were really enjoying it! There's also Gecko Gulch, which is a childrens' play area (see the little guy with his hat). I always enjoy walking through the garden center. Unfortunately, we are having horrific winds and dust storms this week, but maybe we can return there this weekend. Our World Tuesday for April 16, 2013. To visit OWT, please go to: http://ourworldtuesdaymeme.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 15, 2013
Coyote Cafe~Whimsical Windows and Delirious Doors~041513
I love this photo not because of the windows and doors, which are plain, but because of the reflection in them. HA~Look at the palm tree! This cafe is up at the Living Desert reserve here in town. WWDD for April 15, 2013. Back to work...sigh...another LONG week. To visit WWDD, please go to: http://iwishiwereaphotographer.blogspot.com/
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The desert is blooming~Today's Flowers~041413
There are a lot of desert trees and shrubs blooming right now, in addition to the non-native plants. I especially enjoy the yucca varities, which I'm not posting here now. All of these other photos were taken at the Living Desert Reserve here in Palm Desert. Hubby and I renewed our membership just a couple of weeks ago and we went there with our daughter and son-in-law before their baby, Ellie, was born. I didn't even venture out last weekend (too tired) and this weekend doesn't look much better. I'm exhausted from parent conferences, a new granddaughter, and life in general! My energy level is WAY down and I'm fighting a sore throat, so I may not get out at all this weekend...sigh...I hate to lose my weekends, but sometimes it just is that way...Please enjoy these photos of some of our blossoms here in the desert and STAY WELL! That's hard to do as a public school teacher! :-(
The top photo is the Baja Fairy duster. It's an interesting shrub and I have very few photos of it for some reason. They usually come out too dark! To visit Today's Flowers, please go to: http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Mountain fence and clouds~Friday's Fences~041213
This was a couple of weeks ago up in our local Santa Rosa mountains. I love this spot. It is at the entrance to Garner Valley and the posts are from an old thoroughbred breeding ranch, which is now a horse boarding ranch. I don't keep my horses here. I keep them down the hill a way. But, I always love to stop here and admire the view. Friday's Fences for April 12, 2013. To visit Friday's Fences, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Stork at the Living Desert Reserve~Wild Bird Wednesday~041913
Yes, the Living Desert Reserve actually has several storks! We found this guy there a couple of weeks ago. Isn't he beautiful? Look at those long legs! Wild Bird Wednesday for April 10, 2013. To visit WBW, please go to: http://paying-ready-attention-gallery.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
She's here~
Ellie Katherine Knapp, born April 7, 2013...8 pounds, 9 ounces, and a FULL head of hair! She's a little "snuggle bunny" who likes to sleep during the day and keep her mother awake at night! HA~ Karma is a ... well, you know!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Our granddaughter should be here today!!! :-)
Our granddaughter should be here today. She will be born in the same hospital as her mother (our daughter). Only, it's been remodeled and has one whole story just for mommies and babies! Our grandson was born there 4 years ago. It will be a busy day...
Must run...
Must run...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Desert path~Friday's Fences~040513
Pretty desert walkway and dirt road at the Living Desert Reserve last weekend. Friday's Fences for April 5, 2013. To visit Friday's Fences, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Lion~ABC Wednesday~040313
Not a real lion, for sure, but a model of a lion up at the LIVING Desert Reserve, in Palm Desert, CA. He marks the spot of the planned LION enclosure there at the park. I'm not sure when it will open, but I think it will be this year. Anyway, don't you think he looks proud? ABC Wednesday for April 3, 2013. To visit ABC Wednesday, please go to: http://abcwednesday-mrsnesbitt.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 1, 2013
Living Desert Reserve, Palm Desert~Our World Today~049213
Hubby and I have been going to the Living Desert Reserve here in Palm Desert for the last two mornings with our VERY pregnant daughter. Still no granddaughter...sigh...Anyway, I went up by myself this afternoon. Today I went up in the late afternoon, when the shadows are long. The palo verdes are blooming there and the place is nearly covered with them. It was very crowded Saturday morning due to an Easter egg hunt for kids. There were people with strollers EVERYWHERE! Sunday morning was quiet and this afternoon, I nearly had the place to myself! I love the afternoon shadows, don't you? It's so different from morning. Our World Tuesday for April 2, 2013. To visit OWT, please go to: http://ourworldtuesdaymeme.blogspot.com/
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