Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Friday, August 31, 2012
Desert clouds
We had beautiful monsoon clouds here in the desert the last few days. Yesterday we had over 1/2 inch of rain, setting a new record for this date.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Cloudy Sierra Nevada afternoon ~Our World Tuesday~ 082812
Thunderheads gathered every afternoon that we were up in the Sierra Nevada a couple of weeks ago. Aren't they pretty? We got some pretty good rains also. And, the thunder echoed through the canyons! We can't wait to return next summer. Our World Tuesday for August 28, 2012. To visit OWT, please go to: http://ourworldtuesdaymeme.blogspot.com/
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunflowers along the road~Mellow Yellow Monday~082712
We decided to take the road down through Round Valley and I glanced over to see a swath of sunflowers growing along the road, so I pulled over, hopped out of the car, and took these photos. Aren't they delightful? Mellow Yellow Monday for August 27, 2012. To visit MYM, please go to: http://mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.com/
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Rain at the cabin
It rained every afternoon we were up at the cabin in the eastern Sierra Nevada. EVERY afternoon! But, you know, it was enjoyable! We would open the door, listen to the rain and thunder, and just soak it all in. It was monsoon season up there (in the desert, too). There were floods in the high desert, up by Victorville and we saw lots of mud on our drive home. In the Sierra Nevada, however, the ground just absorbs the water. I remember walking down to the end of the corner and my feet went "Squish, squish, squish" on the ground. Everything sparkled and the sage smelled so sweet after the rain!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Meadow and fence, Bishop, CA~Friday's Fences~082412
This beautiful meadow and fence is just north of Bishop, CA, right off Highway 395. Isn't it relaxing just to look at it? Friday's Fences for August 24, 2012. To visit FF, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/2012/08/fridays-fences-47.html
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Above Bishop
All of these photos were taken up in Bishop Canyon, which is above the town of Bishop. It was a LOT cooler up in the canyon than down in Bishop, BELIEVE ME! Phew! We couldn't wait to get back to our cabin by June Lake! However, we did stop at Jack's and buy lunch and two slices of apple pie! :-)
Friday, August 17, 2012
Looking toward Bishop~SkyWatch Friday~081712
This was the view from Bishop Canyon, looking toward the town of Bishop, CA yesterday afternoon. A couple of hours later, the entire Owens Valley was full of thunderheads and it was raining in isolated areas. SkyWatch Friday for August 17, 2012. To visit SWF, please go to: http://rav4adventures.blogspot.com/2012/08/bodie.html
Thursday, August 16, 2012
We briefly stopped by Bodie state park yesterday. Unfortunately, it was noon when we got there. And, we also didn't have any extra water with us (this being an unplanned stop...) Bodie is 13 miles off Highway 395. You drive 10 miles on a paved road, but the last 3 miles are unpaved, dirty, dusty, and bumpy (just like the town)! Bodie is an abandoned mining town from the 1800's which was occupied until it burned down the final time in 1932. A stage line went through town, from Benton Springs to Bridgeport. It's only open a few months of the year because of the deep snow, but it can be VERY hot in the summer (especially at noon). It's best to see the park either in the morning (it opens at 9:00 a.m.) or in the afternoon, from 4:00 until it closes, at 6:00 p.m. There are a lot of buildings with their furnishings still inside (you can look inside). You can actually go in the church and a lot of visitors do just that. Rangers live in some of the residences, and they are most eager to shoo you out of the park at closing! There's a cemetery across from the town, which spreads out. There is a daily mine tour (you CANNOT visit the mine area on your own...too dangerous!) We've been there, I believe...4 times now and I actually enjoy it best in the late afternoon. Just bring PLENTY of water with you and a hat and sunscreen! It's VERY hot, dry, dusty, and dirty there!
Mono Lake, CA
We drove past Mono Lake yesterday after our trip through Bridgeport to buy sandwiches. We then headed out to Bodie state park. On the way back to the cabin, we noticed the clouds over Mono Lake. It's usually cloudless over the lake, but thunderheads had been gathering since about 11:00 a.m. By 3:00 p.m., they were dotting the sky and we had a windstorm about 5 p.m. back at the cabin. There were several families in the picnic area and a seagull was eagerly awaiting some crumbs from their sandwiches. It was a nice day, but it was HOT up at Bodie and we only stayed there for about an hour.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Silver Lake
This was Silver Lake yesterday morning...calm and clear. By the afternoon, thunderstorms had moved into the area and thunder was echoing through the canyons. No more fishermen...I saw several deer cross the road in the morning and we saw a doe and fawn in the afternoon (before the thunderstorm).
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
More rain and thunderheads today
Today started out clear. Well, actually, there were a couple of high clouds, but by noon thunderheads had gathered and were blocking out the sun. Hubby spent most of the day sleeping and we FINALLY went out to grab some lunch about 1:30 p.m.!!! (I was HUNGRY!) We stopped at the little cafe at Silver Lake, which has excellent food, then headed up to the visitor center at Mono Lake. Unfortunately, it was raining so heavily that we ran to the car and headed back to our cabin. Not much of an outing today... :-( We saw lightning and heard loud thunder and spent the afternoon in our cabin, looking out at the storm. It is cold here tonight and the heater in our cabin isn't coming on (for some reason). I didn't pack appropriately (no warm jammies), so I'm bundled up in layers. It's hard to go from 114 degrees in the desert to 42 degrees in the Sierra Nevada.
Minaret VIsta ~more thunderheads
Yesterday we drove up to Minaret Vista. It's over 9,000 feet and you look across the valley to the Minarets, one of Ansel Adam's favorite places to photograph. Unfortunately, we often arrive there in the afternoon (so you have to focus into the sun), but yesterday the entire area was full of thunderheads. Yes, we had lightning and thunder, even some HAIL down in Mammoth! Don't know what is in store for us today...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Afternoon in the mountains
We heading up to the Sierra Nevada for a few days before the beginning of school (UGH! I don't even want to THINK about that!) and I saw this tree against the late afternoon sky one afternoon. The Sierra will be having thunderstorms every day while we are there, so I should get some decent photos up there, too!
Monday, August 6, 2012
The sign said "CAUTION" but these guys looked pretty mellow, at least from the other side of the road. They were grazing up in Garner Valley on Saturday.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Monsoon sunset~SkyWatch Friday~080312
Sometimes it's good to realize that I only have to go outside my front door to see some spectacular sunsets! This sky was here in the desert during our monsoon visit this past week. The clouds have moved on, but there are still some lingering thunderheads every afternoon. But nothing like this! SkyWatch Friday for August 3, 2012. To visit SkyWatch Friday, please go to: http://skyley.blogspot.com/
Thursday, August 2, 2012
After the storm
We had a monsoon roll through the valley for a few days this past week. You know it's here when you take a shower in the morning, go outside, and 30 seconds later, you are drenched in sweat! Forget about the hair...it's HOPELESS! We actually had RAIN here on Tuesday and I could see downpours around the valley. I went out early yesterday morning for a riding lesson (I'm taking lessons again to help me overcome my FEAR of riding after my fall 3 years ago)...back to basics. My lessons are at 7:00 a.m. and it was absolutely delightful in the desert. The sky was clear, the humidity was low, and the sun was out. So were other riders at the place where I take my lessons. Here are some photos I took with my little Nikon Coolpix, which is small enough for me to stick in my pocket. I'm enjoying my lessons and I'm learning some groundwork, which I can do with my herd! The humidity and the storm have moved on and it will be 110 degrees here by the weekend...sigh...but yesterday was a bright, clear morning.
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