We arose early one morning to head out to the Bishop area petroglyphs. They are along a bumpy dirt road a few miles outside of town and we wanted to get out to them and take the entire 19 mile road from top to bottom before it got too hot. So, off we went! We had been out to see them during our April trip and knew where they were, but we hadn't taken the entire road. I'm always intrigued by these petroglyphs and I always get the feeling that we are being watched by spirits. And, while we were at the top site, a girl in a pickup truck did drive out to check us out, but quickly left after she saw our cameras. One site does have a lot of modern graffiti, including gun shots, so I understand the BLM's concern. If you wish to stop and view these petroglyphs, you will need to stop in at the Bishop office, register, and get directions. That's My World for Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Yes, that's a huge jackrabbit! I scared one out of the brush when we first arrived. Then, I was creeping around so quietly that I came across this guy who was busy munching on a bush, getting his breakfast. He was fine with me standing quietly by him and I was able to get several pics of him! I also came across the cutest lizard! He would run ahead of me, turn around to see if I was following him, and then run a little bit more, and turn around! I figure he was my spirit guide! When he ran across the hot sand, he curled his tail up into a spiral. To see other worlds, please go to: http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bishop petroglyphs~That's My World~062811
We arose early one morning to head out to the Bishop area petroglyphs. They are along a bumpy dirt road a few miles outside of town and we wanted to get out to them and take the entire 19 mile road from top to bottom before it got too hot. So, off we went! We had been out to see them during our April trip and knew where they were, but we hadn't taken the entire road. I'm always intrigued by these petroglyphs and I always get the feeling that we are being watched by spirits. And, while we were at the top site, a girl in a pickup truck did drive out to check us out, but quickly left after she saw our cameras. One site does have a lot of modern graffiti, including gun shots, so I understand the BLM's concern. If you wish to stop and view these petroglyphs, you will need to stop in at the Bishop office, register, and get directions. That's My World for Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Yes, that's a huge jackrabbit! I scared one out of the brush when we first arrived. Then, I was creeping around so quietly that I came across this guy who was busy munching on a bush, getting his breakfast. He was fine with me standing quietly by him and I was able to get several pics of him! I also came across the cutest lizard! He would run ahead of me, turn around to see if I was following him, and then run a little bit more, and turn around! I figure he was my spirit guide! When he ran across the hot sand, he curled his tail up into a spiral. To see other worlds, please go to: http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/
Monday, June 27, 2011
After crossing the Sierra over SR 108 (the Sonora Pass), we entered the town of Bridgeport. We always enjoy stopping at the old Bridgeport Hotel for lunch (usually a sandwich and a cup of soup). If you haven't ever been to the hotel, do stop in! The bathrooms are all the way at the top of the stairs, on the second floor and the stairs are very old (and steep!). The good is great and they have a nice wine list (although who wants to drink wine at noon, especially when you have to drive Highway 395 down to Mono Lake!!!!!!!!) The cows were out in Bridgeport, the sun was shining...ahhhh...what a beautiful day! That is, until we saw the price of gas! $4.97???? EXCUSE ME? (and that was for the 87 octane!) We kept driving! That's something to plan for...gasoline on the eastern Sierra side is VERY expensive! Either fill up in Nevada or on the western side! Believe me, you DO NOT want to have to buy gas in Lee Vining or Bridgeport! That's a view of Mono Lake on the bottom photo. We drove out there late one afternoon and got some beautiful shots of the lake with clouds reflecting on it, but that's another post!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sonora Pass~Scenic Sunday~062611
This was our first time traveling over the Sonora Pass. Normally, we would have driven up and over the Tioga Pass, but it was still closed when were were there June 11-18. I believe it opened up on the 18th, but we were down in Bishop by then. So, up we went. We took Highway 49, which is very twisty and turny, but did provide us with an expansive view of the road below and a reservoir, which is the one the Merced River flows into (neither hubby nor I can remember its name...) There was another car in front of us, but their back seat passenger got sick and they had to stop several times! This is not a road for people riding in the back seat of any car! Our daughter wouldn't have done well on it either! Then, we went through some small California gold mining towns like Jamestown. If you are ever in Jamestown, stop and see their railroad museum. It is wonderful! I love these little old California towns (I like small towns in general!). We stopped in Jamestown for breakfast, but had the WORST coffee I've ever had in my life! Gag, gag! It was like water...anyway, we headed back on the road over to the Sonora Pass. I'm glad we took that road because there were as many waterfalls along that road as Yosemite and it was very beautiful. It comes down on the eastern side near Bridgeport, CA. So, here are some pics of the Sonora Pass. The Stanislaus River wanders through the pass and at one point, we stopped to take some photos. There was a huge tree trunk bobbing up and down in the river, depending on the current. I was pretty sure it would dislodge at any time, so I stopped to take a few photos of it. I had caught something moving out of the corner of my eye and was amazed to see it there! Up and down, up and down it went, over and over! The water was really rushing through that area of boulders and there was an old bridge nearby which hubby walked over to take photos from. The Sonora Pass is about 9200 feet, so there was quite a bit of snow still left there (see photo of the national forest sign). I'm glad we were able to see all the beauty from the pass. Those massive cliffs are called the Dardanells and several people stopped to take photos of them during their trip. Scenic Sunday for June 26, 2011 To see other scenic entries, please go to: http://scenicsunday.blogspot.com/
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Yosemite waterfalls
There were so many waterfalls in Yosemite, we didn't even know where to begin, so we just started at the west entrance and clicked away. By the time we passed through the tunnel and came to the valley, we were pretty much waterfalled-out! Bridel Veil Falls was magnificent, and so was Yosemite Falls. However, both parking areas were FULL, but we were fortunate to have somebody pull out ahead of us at Bridel Veil. We were not so lucky at Yosemite Falls and drove around and around, but there were NO parking vacancies, so at that point, we left the park frustrated. We arose the next morning and drove through some western Sierra towns and then up and over the Sonora Pass, which was a real adventure! But, here are some waterfalls from Yosemite right after the west (Fresno) entrance.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Moon over Yosemite~SkyWatch Friday~062311
We arrived in Yosemite National Park late one afternoon and drove around from the west entrance. Instead of driving up to Glacier Point, we drove around to see the falls. And, the moon was out, so we were both eager to set up our tripods and TRY to get a decent photo at night. For me, this was a real learning experience as I've just learned how to use the manual settings on my Nikon. So, with a little help from hubby, I took my first night photos. Out of 20 shots, I deleted 3 because I must have leaned on the tripod and they were blurry, but this is one of the ones that came out fairly decently...for a beginner! SkyWatch Friday for June 23, 2011. That's not Bridel Veil Falls, but another recent one in the park. There were so many waterfalls. We've never seen so many there! To visit other skywatchers, please go to: http://skyley.blogspot.com/P.S. I used to laugh at hubby when he got out his tripod. NO MORE! I now have my own and I use it all the time. With a long lens and low light, a tripod is a must! My tripod is light and I can break it down in no time. Believe me, I lugged it all over our last vacation! I especially use it when I'm out at 200 mm.
Western Sierra~Yosemite~Nature Notes~~062311
For this trip, hubby decided we would drive up the side of the western Sierra and then cross over to the eastern Sierra via the Sonora Pass, since the Tioga Pass was still closed. We'd never been over the Sonora Pass and we figured there would still be a lot of snow there, and there was. But, on this afternoon, we headed into Yosemite from the west and figured we'd go as far as we could, daylight permitting. And, the park didn't disappoint us. From the beautiful purple wildflowers blooming, to placid lakes, and lush meadows...ahhh...Yosemite! To see other participants, please go to: http://ramblingwoods.com/
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tehachapi~golden hills and wildflowers~That's My World 062111
Hubby and I just returned from a 9 day trip to the Sierra. We drove up the western side, up Highway 99 and went through Tehachapi. I can never remember how to spell it, so I always have to double check! Anyway, we saw these beautiful light purple wildflowers and I stopped to take some photos of them. Aren't the golden hills and flowers gorgeous? So different from our desert here near Palm Springs! While this isn't my world, it is one that I enjoy exploring! That's My World for Tuesday, June 21, 2011. I'll be documenting our trip all this next week, so please stop by for updates! To see other worlds, please visit: http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Mountain bluebirds~Sunday Stills Challenge~061911
Hubby and I FINALLY got high-speed Internet in Bishop, CA. What a relief! I have been going through withdrawl! Anyway, Friday we drove down from Mammoth Lakes to Bishop. What a shock! To go from snow and 62 degrees to heat and 92 degrees! What a difference! We nearly turned around to drive back, but our cabin, which was $152 a night, went up to $245 for the weekend, so calmer heads prevailed! Besides, we had a reservation in Bishop. We drove up to Convict Lake along the way and fishermen were all busy. I spotted these two mountain bluebirds. The male had an insect in his mouth and he flew into their nest and popped back out a couple of times while I stood there and watched. Convict Lake was full of different species of birds. I would love to return there either early morning or late afternoon to watch them all. Sunday Stills Challenge for June 19, 2011.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Road trip
We are currently on a vacation in the Sierra~Yosemite, Mammoth Lakes, Mono Lake, Bishop, Lone Pine, then home. Internet connections are spotty or non-existent. Will post photos when we return home.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Rainbow~Fabulous Friday~061011
You know, here in the desert, water is a valuable commodity. And, during my morning walks, I always seem to miss the morning sprinklers at the city golf resort, but on this morning, I was early and they were on. I caught many rainbows that morning, but this one was the largest. Fabulous Friday for June 10, 2011...LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, whoo, whoo! To view other participants, please go to: http://mcdougallphotography.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sprinklers~Nature Notes~060911
On this morning, I arrived for my morning walk 15 minutes early, just in time to view the rainbows from the sprinklers at the golf resort. I'm glad that I woke up early, but this morning, I couldn't wake up on time and never made it out for my walk. While I always enjoy my walks, I especially enjoyed the water show on this day! Nature Notes for June 9, 2011. To see other participants, please go to: http://ramblingwoods.com/
Sprinklers~Watery Wednesday~060811
I've been doing my morning walk at the city golf resort and yesterday morning, the sprinklers were still on. I was about 15 minutes earlier than my usual time and I'm glad I had the chance to see them. I even caught a couple of rainbows. The golf resort does have a couple of water courses and I frequently stop by them and walk down through the palms to see the ducks. One morning, a coyote crossed the dirt road ahead of me and went down there and I heard, "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!" and then a rustle, rustle and all was quiet. I guess he got his breakfast! Watery Wednesday for June 8, 2011. To view other participants, please go to: http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/
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