We've had two days of monsoon weather here in the valley and yesterday these clouds moved in from the south. They spread out across the desert. I pulled off the freeway to stop and take this photo. We may get some sprinkles today.
Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fisherman in the park at sunrise~Watery Wednesday 092910
I stopped by the park early Sunday morning to greet the new day. The fisherman statute was standing alone while the sun slowly crept up behind the palm trees and outlying buildings. The pond was quiet, but ducks were flying in overhead to the grassy areas, waiting for people to come and feed them their breakfast. Watery Wednesday for September 29, 2010.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Signs of fall~That's My World 092710
Even though we have been in the midst of a heat wave in Southern California, our local mountains continue with their march toward autumn. I walked around the ranch where I board my 5 rescue horses and took these photos on Sunday. I will keep track of the progress of these trees throughout fall. That's My World for September 27, 2010.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sprinklers in the park~SOOC Sunday 092510
I took this photo in the Palm Desert Civic Center park last Saturday morning, as I was coming down with my bronchitis. It was the last day I was up and around for a few days. I finally went to urgent care yesterday as I'd completely got laringytis (sp?) and could barely speak!!! I got a Z-pack and am at least starting to feel better today! YEAH! This was straight out of the camera. I heard the sprinklers come on and turned around to take this photo. I really like it. You can actually see the reflection of the water in the lake! SOOC for September 26, 2010. I'm heading out this morning with my camera to find more interesting photos, now that I'm feeling better. However, we may set a new record for the daily high for this date as it is forecast to be 110 degrees today! YIKES! For other SOOC participants, please visit: http://www.murrieta365.com/
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Fisherman at the park~Sunday Stills Challenge "S"
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Palm Desert Park~Watery Wednesday 092210
I visited my nearby civic park on Sunday morning, camera in hand. My aunt and uncle stopped by and they had never been there, so off we went. It was early and the park wasn't crowded, except for the ducks who were waiting to be fed! It was good to get out that early and I'd like to go again sometime. Watery Wednesday for September 22, 2010.
Bighorn sheep~That's My World 092110
As I was driving up Highway 74 last Saturday morning, to go visit my horses at the ranch up in the mountains, I glanced out of my passenger side window and saw these two bighorn sheep. They were right by the highway!!! I was so surprised to see them that I slammed on my brakes (good thing nobody was behind me!) and pulled off the road, and ran back to see them, camera in hand. They didn't appear to be afraid of me, although the ram was wary. I was surprised to see them that far down because there isn't much vegetation at this altitude (about 1,500 feet). But, they seemed to be content eating whatever it was that they found and weren't in any hurry to leave because of me. This is the second time in two years now that I've seen bighorn sheep off of Highway 74. That's My World for Tuesday, September 21, 2010.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"Flags"~Sunday Stills Challenge 091910
Oh, boy, Ed! You sure did it this time! I had to completely search our archives for this week's challenge! Hubby, our daughter, and I visited New Orleans in 2004 (before Katrina) over the Thanksgiving break. Our daughter and I have a 5 day break at that time and she bought us round trip airline tickets, so off we went. We did see many interesting flags there and I've posted some photos of the ones we saw. Enjoy your virtual trip of New Orleans! We would all LOVE to return someday. Now, let me explain the photos. The top two pictures were from the World War II museum, showing some of the rifles both the United States and Japan used during World War II. If you ever get to New Orleans, please take the time to visit this museum. It is INCREDIBLE! My dad fought in WWII, in the Pacific Arena, and for me, this was extremely interesting and intense. The next few photos show the river boat, the Natchez. She has a sister ship, the Creole Queen, which passed us by on our return. As a Southern Californian, who is used to ocean waves, it was eerie riding around the Mississippi River, which is calm. And, the river boats have no ...(words fail me...) curvature. I mean, they are FLAT! So unusual!!! I was sure a wave was going to come and sweep over the bottom of the boat, but that didn't happen. So, that was a learning experience for me. And, the bottom ones show the French Quarter all decked out right before the Christmas holidays. I hope you have enjoyed this little tour of our visit to New Orleans in 2004. Sunday Stills Challenge "flags" for September 19, 2010.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Palm Trees and sunset~SkyWatch Friday 091710
I was driving out and around Palm Desert Tuesday afternoon. I spotted some clouds in the afternoon sky and watched them while I drove up to my horses. On the way down, I stopped to take these late afternoon photos. We haven't had many clouds lately, so I was thrilled to see these! SkyWatch Friday for September 17, 2010.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Trees in Yosemite~Outdoor Wednesday 091510
When hubby and our son went to Yosemite last week (and left ME at home!), they stopped by a small spring in the park and took this photo. Ahhhh...what a relief from our 105 days here in the desert! I'm so anxious for summer to end!!! In the meantime, I'll keep this photo in mind! Outdoor Wednesday for September 15, 2010.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mountain view, late afternoon~That's My World 091410
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wild Oats~Mellow Yellow and Macro Monday 091310
Hubby took this photo of some wild oats up in the Napa Valley. I was home with the horses. He and our grown son spent 5 days driving from the desert to the Sierras, up the Tioga Pass to Yosemite, and then to Napa. Hubby's sister lives up there and they had a big family dinner. He said he found these oats along the road by one of the wineries. Mellow Yellow Monday and Macro Monday for September 13, 2010.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Napa Wine Country~"Glass"~Sunday Stills Challenge 091210
Hubby and our son just returned from a trip to northern California, including the wine country. Of course, they both stopped at Ridge Vineyards and tasted some of their wines. The bottom photo is a display there at Ridge and the top photo is looking out at the vineyards through their windows. Aren't their windows interesting? Sunday Stills Challenge "glass" for September 12, 2010.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Palm trees and lake~Weekend Reflections 091110
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Geese in flight and sunrise~SkyWatch Friday 091011
Yesterday morning I headed out early, camera in hand. I had some extra time and I wanted to watch the sunrise. I drove out to the Desert Springs Marriott and took this photo of the sunrise. If you click on it to enlarge it, you will see the flock of Canadian geese that flew overhead. SkyWatch Friday for September 10, 2010.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Egrets~Nature Notes 090910
I've been waking up VERY early every morning for the past week. I don't know why...(sigh)..., but I have. So, I've been going out with my camera VERY EARLY and trying to take some photos in the gorgeous morning light. This morning I went to Marriott Desert Springs because last Saturday there was a flock of about 20 cattle egrets on one of the waterfalls there, but by the time I was able to walk over there, my camera's battery had died! ACK! Fortunately, this morning, they were down by a couple of little ponds. As I stood and took these photos (and about 20 others), I noticed that this particular egret chased away all the other egrets and especially one a little smaller. He also chased off some of the juveniles. It was interesting to watch the interplay of him with them~~he was DEFINITELY BOSS! He finally flew up onto this little rocky island and quietly posed for me (see his right leg up?) I was able to see the flock feed on whatever it is they eat in the water (it looked like grass). I'm glad that I got to spend some time with them this morning before I had to go to ...(gasp!) JURY DUTY! I also tried to get a few pics of them with their wings open. They really are beautiful birds!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Saturday sunrise~That's My World 090710
Sunday, September 5, 2010
sunrise~Straight Out of the Camera Sunday~090510
I had to drop hubby off at work early this morning (6:00 a.m.) at the Marriott, so I decided to stay and take some photos of the sunrise from there. It was another crisp, clear morning here in the desert. There was a flock of cattle eagrets that flew overhead, but...my camera's battery died and I didn't get any photos of them! However, I did get this photo of the morning light over one of their ponds. Straight Out of the Camera Sunday for September 5, 2010. Yes, I'm home now charging up my battery! For other participants, please visit: http://www.murrieta365.com/
Boots~Sunday Stills Challenge 090510
There is a swap meet up in our local mountains every other Saturday. This vendor is usually there, with all kinds of cowboy boots, but he wasn't there yesterday. I took these photos in July. I already have several pair of cowboy boots, but aren't these interesting ones? I just love to stop and look at their designs. Sunday Stills Challenge for September 5, 2010..."shoes and boots".
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