Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra snow October 2010
Friday, May 31, 2013
Picket fence~Friday's Fences~053113
I drove by this fence last weekend and couldn't resist snapping a photo of it. This house is just down the street from the Town Hall in Idyllwild where they were having some kind of huge yard sale and breakfast. Too many people for me, so I kept going. Friday's Fences for May 31, 2013. To visit Friday's Fences, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/ UPDATE for Magical Mystic Teacher: Idyllwild is a nice little close-knit community. There is a school up there and also a branch of the USC-run ISOMATA school of the arts for music, dance, and theater. We LOVE Idyllwild and are seriously thinking about retiring there. We would only be an hour from our kids' homes down in the desert. There are a lot of community activities up there. I do recall several years ago, at the height of a drought, that water was rationed, however...
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Back porch
This is the view of the long back porch and deck of the house up in Pine Cove where we stayed last weekend. Who wouldn't want to sit out there and enjoy the view?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Interesting tree~ABC Wednesday~052913
HA~I went for a drive Sunday morning while the rest of the household was sleeping. I didn't see this tree on my way down the next road, but on my way back, I spotted the sign on it. It indeed does look spooky! I wish I'd been here during the late afternoon. I'm sure the afternoon shadows would have indeed made it look eerie. ABC Wednesday for May 29, 2013. To visit ABC Wednesday, please go to: http://abcwednesday-mrsnesbitt.blogspot.com/ The sign says, "WITCH TREE"!!!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Idyllwild weekend
We were invited back to Idyllwild last weekend. Only this time, it was a private house. Our daughter's former middle school band teacher (and her sub while she was out on pregnancy leave...) has a home up near Idyllwild and she offered us the use of it over the weekend. So, off we went Friday afternoon. We had crisp, cool mornings, and cool afternoons. I was bundled up in a jacket by Sunday afternoon! :-) Our daughter, husband, and baby Ellie came with us and I got to babysit and feed the baby at 4:00 a.m.! I also got to watch a family of 6 coyotes come out into the meadow behind the house every morning and afternoon, although I didn't realize there were 6 of them until I spotted them all out there Sunday afternoon. The pups ran around and chased each other and played tag and roll around in the grass. We spotted one Friday evening, out alone, and he called to the others and a chorus of coyote yips came out from behind the trees on the other side of the meadow. I'm glad we had an opportunity to enjoy the meadow and its creatures!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Flowers in my garden
I just thought I'd take a little break today and post some pics of the wildflowers and flower seeds which are now blooming in my garden. Ahhhh....can you smell them? I enjoy their color and so do the hummingbirds! Now, go out and enjoy your day!
~~Cheryl Ann~~
~~Cheryl Ann~~
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Mountain lupines~Our World Tuesday~052113
I was complaining that there weren't many mountain lupines this year and then last weekend, up near Anza, CA, I found these! There were two other, darker patches up on the mountain road, but they were on spots without turnouts or enough road to safely walk out on it without being hit by traffic. So, I settled for these. They are a little bit pale, but at least they are blooming. There are a couple of patches of California poppies nearby, too. So, our spring hasn't been a total washout! Aren't they pretty? Our World Tuesday for May 21, 2013. To visit OWT, please go to: http://ourworldtuesdaymeme.blogspot.com/
Sunday, May 19, 2013
"W" for white~Sunday Stills Challenge~051713
This week's challenge is the letter "w" and I already posted on my two other blogs. Hubby actually took these photos of a WHITE swan over at the Marriott Desert Springs. They have quite a few swans over there, as well as a flock of flamingoes. There's also a pair of black swans which I see often. "W" for white for the Sunday Stills Challenge for May 17, 2013. To visit Sunday Stills Challenge, please go to: http://sundaystills.wordpress.com/
White flowers~Today's Flowers~051713
I'm not sure what these flowers are, so if you know, could you please tell me? They were up in Idyllwild last weekend next to a bunch of daffodills. Today's Flowers for May 17, 2013. To visit Today's Flowers, please go to: http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/
Friday, May 17, 2013
Idyllwild fence~Friday's Fences~051713
Idyllwild has a lot of neat fences, including this one, which is just down the street from our favorite cabins. Most of the fences are wooden and aren't painted, but this one is. I always stop to admire it. Friday's Fences for May 17, 2013. To visit Friday's Fences, please go to: http://lifeaccordingtojanandjer.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Idyllwild town statue
If you ever get up to Idyllwild, take a look at the town statue. I believe it was unveiled in 2010 and it is made by a local artist, who did the entire statue using a chain saw! Isn't that amazing? I always drive by and admire it, but I stopped Friday afternoon to take these photos of it. It had rained up there the previous day and the sky was still full of thunderheads. Can't wait to drive up there this summer during the monsoon season!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Return to Idyllwild
I was able to book one of the cabins at our favorite lodge up in Idyllwild this past weekend, at the Silver Pines Lodge. They have 3 individual cabins as well as some in the main lodge. They also have a triplex and a duplex, which I'd like to rent one weekend. Several Pacific Crest trail hikers were in the smaller rooms in the triplex and duplex. They were "off trail" for the weekend, chowing down some decent food and taking long, hot showers! Idyllwild is not far off the trail and it gets many, many hikers who stop there for food, mail, and a night in a cabin. Can't blame them, that's for sure! Unfortunately, for them, it is downhill from Idyllwild, into the desert, then through Whitewater Canyon, and up to Big Bear. From Big Bear, it's BACK down into the high desert, then Tehachipi, then another LONG desert spell, and then finally the eastern Sierra. I wanted a couple of them about the high temps forecast here next week...it will be in the 100's as they make their downward trek. And, this year, water is scarce. I wish them all good luck! Anyway, the grandson and his parents came with us and a good, restful weekend was had by all. It's interesting how just getting out of the desert heat can be so restful. Hubby took a nap Saturday afternoon and he told me he hasn't been that relaxed for a LONG time! Here are a few pics from our weekend...more to come during the week. That's the view from our cabin's long back porch (and the grandson off to see the blue jays) in the top photo. The 3rd one shows the lodge and cabins around it. We were in one of the 3 cabins which are separate from all of those other ones. Our cabin has a HUGE, long back porch with a wooden railing. The one next door has a back porch deck (which you can see), and the first cabin just has a little wooden deck.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Around Idyllwild
We aren't taking any long vacations this summer except for a week in a cabin up in the Sierras. That's pretty unusual for us. We usually travel around during the summer because I'm off school and it's slow here in the desert for hubby. But, he was forced to use ALL his sick days and vacation last December, so instead of having 4 weeks' vacation, he has 5 days built up...sigh...the whims of corporations! But, we do have Idyllwild close by and I'm sure we'll be spending a few days on and off up there during the summer. Here are some pics from our last trip to Idyllwild. Who wouldn't want to return there? It's only an hours' drive from our home and it is a LOT cooler up there!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Clouds and sprinkles
I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I got a sore throat last Thursday and by Friday morning, I was sitting in "urgent care"...with the possibility of strep throat. I got some antibiotics and was ordered home with bed rest for 3 days. That pretty much took care of my weekend. I didn't go ANYWHERE...I didn't even get out of my pajamas all weekend! :-( I straggled into school on Monday, but yesterday I started to feel better. I even stopped and took these photos on my way. We actually got some sprinkles here in the desert and the mountains got 1/3 inch of rain! I'm FINALLY starting to feel better, but now I have a horrible cough! Ugh~no fun~
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Mountain shadows~Shadow Shot Sunday~050513
We took a walk up in the mountains last weekend on a private road. I loved all the shadows that morning. Don't you? Photos taken up in our local mountains, in Idyllwild, CA, which is in the San Jacinto mountains. Shadow Shot Sunday for May 5, 2013. To visit SSS, please follow this link: http://shadowshotsunday2.blogspot.com/
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Koi pond~Nature Notes~050213
Our son, grandson, and his mom joined us last weekend up in Idyllwild. We all wanted a weekend out of the desert heat and it turned out to be a good decision. It was 103 degrees on Sunday in the desert. Yes, the Stagecoach fans had to endure that heat! We couldn't get into our regular (favorite) cabin at Silver Pines Lodge, so we booked a smaller one at the Fern Valley Inn. It was delightful, but a bit cramped. And, there weren't as many blue jays and gray squirrels. So, in a couple of weeks, we are all heading back to Idyllwild and the Silver Pines Lodge's big cabin. It has a large back porch with a swing and provides an excellent area to feed the blue jays and squirrels. Also, a family group of quail come twice a day (morning and late afternoon) to feed next to the cabin, so we'll be able to watch them. And, it has a koi pond (we're going to have to keep an eye on the grandson so he doesn't tumble in!). He really enjoyed watching the fish when we stopped by the cabins last weekend for a preview. These koi are HUGE! And, they were all mouths! I'm sure the grandson will be worn out from that next trip! Nature Notes for May 2, 2013. To visit NN, please go to: http://ramblingwoods.com/
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Peanuts and blue jays~ABC Wednesday~050113
We mostly spent last weekend up in Idyllwild feeding PEANUTS to the blue jays. These PERKY fellows found and ate every peanut we threw out for them, even some of them that they didn't see us throw. I wonder if they can smell them? Anyway, they were quite PRECIOUS! ABC Wednesday for May 1, 2013. To visit ABC Wednesday, please go to: http://abcwednesday-mrsnesbitt.blogspot.com/
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