Some mornings, when I drive to school, I see incredible sunrises. This was one of those mornings. Look at all the jet trails! And, those tall palm trees, reaching toward the sky! I stopped at the bridge over the wash on Bob Hope Drive to take this pic. Sunday Stills challenge for June 7, 2009.
Ahhh...our palms bring such incredible beauty our way. Great submission to the challenge.
Nice photo.... Nice colors....
Wow! Really pretty picture. So different from our sights here in Oregon.
Gorgeous! Love your header, by the way!
SWEET!!! Thats the shot of the week,so far..:-)
Very nice shot. I like all the detail in the sky and how it leads the eye into the palms. Nice framing, too!
What a perfect capture. I thought at first they were flowers and you were crouched down to take the photo - then I clicked to biggify the image and saw how wrong I was! (then I read...)
Very nice:)
Beautiful palms!
love the sun off the jet trails!
This is just gorgeous. Your palms give you some beautiful landscapes!
What a magnificent photograph! Talk about being in the right place at the right time ... with camera nearby. Just lovely ... Your blog reminds me what a beautiful place the desert is ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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